Inner Voyage

Soul guided methods

Be awake

Rather than living in fear, you should live with full awareness

We go through numerous storms, but we are in control of how we ride the waves and whether we stay on our path or not.
For you

Inner Voyage methods are for you if you'd like to:

Soul travelling

Inner voyage soul travelling

We are travelling to the 5th dimension to explore the world from above with closed eyes. Where everything begins. I will guide you along your journey and help:

  • to meet your guides
  • to meet your loved ones who have passed away
  • to find out about your past lives
  • to explore who you really are and what is your life purpose
  • to make decisions from your heart
  • to heal the connections with your family and friends
  • to let go of all unhealthy attachments

Duration: 1,5-2 hours

Online is available as well

Cost: 99 EUR per session

What is the session like?

'Crystalreading' - whispers of the stones.

“One sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Little Prince

  1. We discuss your current life situation first, and any questions that you wish to get answers for.  
  2. I will make a list unkown to you, of all the people, emotions and things that relate to your questions.
  3. You pick the crystals one after an other without knowing which stone will represent what. Just trust your intuition, and reveal your feelings about the crystals. 
  4. You then choose to place the crystals in your designated universe, in front of you. 
  5. Revelation – we discuss which gem represents which people, emotions and things. Then you will have great realizations and maybe even surprises.
  6. Lastly, you can rearrange the stones to reflect the way you wish to improve you life. 

Duration: 1,5-2 Hours

Available online as well

Cost: 99 EUR


The layers of human soul

The human soul is just as layered as the physical body. Our conscious self is the tangible surface of our skin, while the subconscious self is like the organs inside of the body.

This perfectly symbolizes how much more there is in the unseen layers.

The memories, feelings, and karmic lessons of past lives stored in our subconscious mind guide 98% of our actions and choices.

If we only examine the obvious and surface layers we won’t be able to see the entire picture.

It is said that the truth sets you free. And the truth is right there buried deep inside of us, we only have to bring it up to the surface. But it is there, I guarantee it.

The soul yearns for knowledge. This was the singular desire of the earliest human couple. We wanted to find out what the other extreme was, the opposite emotion, in other words DUALITY. The meaning of TEMPTATION is that we only understand it a little. It TEMPTs us until we understand it, until we KNOW it. This, then takes us on a back and forth, “What you sew you reap” game, expels us from earthly paradise and we enter into the karmic cycles.

Karma is about learning COMPASSION and EMPATHY. It based on the law of GIVING and RECIEVEING. It demands balance.

Life itself is an EARTHLY PARADISE. We make it as such with our thoughts. This is why the TRUTH is important. We must find out why things happen as they do, so we no longer need to be tempted and hurt by it, and we can return to the abundance of Eden right here on Earth.

Only then we are able to let it all go, in order for us to move toward the next chapter of our lives.

soul travelling

Soul guided methods

99 EUR

/ session


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